Boarding House

  • The Boarding House is like a home away from home for our Resident Scholars where the House Warden ensures their overall development and well being.
  • Life at the Anjuman Boarding House provides plenty of opportunities to our Resident Scholars to make new friends and gain confidence in their ability to manage their own affairs without becoming a burden on anyone.
  • The behavior patterns of the Resident Scholars are observed and care is taken to mould them into cheerful, productive, law abiding and socially responsible human beings.
  • Resident Scholars are allotted either rooms or dormitories, according to their age and class.
  • Facilities for sports and games are available to the Resident Scholars during their free time.
  • Our Recreational facilities include indoor games, channel television and newspapers.
  • Continuance as a Resident Scholars depends upon the academic performance, behaviour and turnout of the Scholars.
  • In case of illness, Resident Scholars are admitted to the 16-bed College Infirmary. All cases of sickness are to be reported to the College Infirmary. Resident Scholars who are unwell are looked after by trained nurses. The Senior Medical Officer of the Balrampur Hospital, Lucknow, visits the College Infirmary regularly. He is also available on call in case of an emergency. In case a Resident Scholar is already on medication, the Hostel Warden must be informed, in writing.
  • New Resident Scholars are required to furnish an undertaking stating that they are medically fit to participate in sports and games and in case they suffer an injury, the College shall not be responsible for the consequences, though every effort will be made to offer the best available medical assistance.
  • Summer and winter time tables for Resident Scholars have specified time slots for various activities. This schedule must be strictly adhered to.
  • Any act of violence or instigating others to an act of violence on the campus will lead to immediate expulsion from the Boarding House. Students must learn to control their anger by reporting to the Hostel Warden in time, instead of taking things into their own hands.
  • The Boarding House is a space in which, away from the time-wasting indulgences on social media, the young minds get plenty of opportunities to reflect upon their lives and their challenges and decide what they really intend to do with themselves. There are bound to be several ups and downs, but if the scholars can discipline themselves in the long run, carry out their responsibilities to the satisfaction of all concerned, all the years spent away from home will be justified.


  • The Boarding House is out of bounds during College Hours for all inmates.
  • The Boarding House is out of bounds for Day Scholars and the inmates are not allowed to invite either Day Scholars or outsiders to their rooms.
  • Resident Scholars are not permitted either to visit or stay in any room or dormitory but their own after Lights Out at 10:00 PM
  • All Resident Scholars shall be on the playing fields at the time scheduled for games. Exemptions may be made for those who are seriously or chronically ill. In all such cases, a written permission must be obtained from the House Master, who shall consult the attending Doctor and make necessary arrangements for treatment.
  • Rooms and dormitories have to be kept neat and clean at all times. Weekly inspections shall be conducted. The Principal inspects the Boarding House regularly.
  • Resident Scholars are expected to shave and have regular haircuts. Fancy hair-cuts and coloring hair is prohibited.
  • Resident Scholars must be punctual for all events.
  • The use of electrical appliances such as heaters, electric irons, kettles is prohibited. If a Resident Scholar is found with such appliances, the items will be confiscated and disciplinary action will be initiated.
  • Gross violation of rules will result in the expulsion of a Resident Scholar from the Boarding House. In case the Principal deems appropriate, compulsive defaulters may even be expelled from the College.
  • Resident Scholars are expected to use their study time profitably and strict silence has to be maintained in the study hall.
  • Under no circumstances will meals be served in the rooms or dormitories.
  • Resident Scholars are to report to the dining hall punctually and in proper dress. All meals are served after a short prayer.
  • Only visitors authorised by the parents are allowed to meet the Residents.
  • In case of an emergency, parents must contact the House Master immediately.
  • Boarders may use only button mobile phones within the Boarding House compound. No multimedia enabled devices are allowed.
  • Medical leave will be granted only by the Principal on the advice of the College Doctor or on receiving an application from the parents, duly endorsed by a competent medical authority and supported by prescriptions and medical bills.
  • Sandals are not allowed. Rubber slippers may be worn in the rooms or dormitories only.
  • Residents must not have any costly personal items on them or in the Boarding House.