Promotion Rule


The subjects taught are English (Language & Literature), Hindi, Sanskrit, Mathematics, Social Studies (History & Geography), Computer Application, Health Education and Science (Physics, Chemistry & Biology).

General Knowledge, Art, Music, Robotics and Communication Classes are also held.

A student must attain passing marks (33%) in English and 5 out of the 7 remaining subjects to get promotion, provided the failing subject is not English.

In case a student fails in Mathematics and Science, he will not be offered Science in Class IX.

No re-exams or Compartment Exams are held.

IX – X

The subjects taught in the Science Stream are: English (Language & Literature), Hindi, Mathematics, Science (Physics, Chemistry & Biology), Social Studies (History & Geography), Computer Application or Physical Education.

In the Commerce Stream the subjects are English (Language & Literature) Hindi, Commercial Studies, Social Studies (History & Geography), Mathematics or Economics, Computer Application or Physical Education.

Promotion is decided as per Council Norms.

Passing in English is compulsory.

No re-exams or Compartment Exams are held.


Science: The students can opt for any of the following combination of subjects: English (Language & Literature), Physics, Chemistry, Biology or Mathematics, Hindi/ Physical Education/ Computer Application

Commerce: The students can opt for any of the following combination of subjects: English (Language & Literature), Commerce, Accounts, Economics or Mathematics, Hindi / Physical Education/ Computer Application

Arts: The students can opt for any of the following combination of subjects: English (Language & Literature), History, Political Science, Economics , Hindi, Physical Education or Computer Application

Promotion is decided as per Council Norms.

Passing in English is compulsory

No re-exams or Compartment Exams are held.